Modern Trojan Horses

I'm seeing with horror how current mexican president is destroying our public institutions and freedom of speech before our eyes, in public, just like Chavez did in Venezuela. The horror comes from average mexican citizens not caring. They don't care he's targeting groups and individuals with abuse of power, as long as they're not directly impacted. Only when they're affected they care, but then the rest don't care, and so on. They don't watch alternative news; they don't know who is who; they don't know the president has 2 obedient candidates to the presidency to make sure he remains in power next year. They don't want to stop him or fix the country. But once the tyranny becomes unbearable, they'll self victimize and seek for refuge on countries they supposedly despise today; to screw them the same way they screwed their own with apathy, ignorance, stupidity, cowardness, corruption or a mix of these.


Lennarth Anaya
