"If you are a man shut the f* up", the favorite slogan not only sex-thirsty feminists use to avoid any reasoning about the matter, but also sex-thirsty dirty machos feminists found so irresistible. And it's not only understandable, it's obvious: negligent machos want sex!, if they don't care about an alive baby, they care even less about a killed one. I'm not judging the joy of making love, but the entitled and negligent attiude of feminists and machitoes towards the outcomes.
On the other hand, we have the religious conservative; well-dressed; well-versed; not very logical, but tenacious; complaining with wet-eyes when the pro-abortion marketing machine makes some progresses in the legal field, in the hands of the inept we humans tend to choose to thoughtlessly take decisions that are going to allow people to legally f* other beings' lives up. YES or NO, the only alternatives these shortsighted law makers are able to see with their two and a half neurons. It becomes a wrestling game, "how many people is in favor and how many against it?", the brilliant deputies question, or even worse: "which side our party supposedly support". Because today it doesn't even care what the individual believes, but what she/he is supposed to believe. Long-lasting decisions taken by individuals in the pursuit of money, glory and fame as ephemeral as their lives.
If we were talking about rocks, I wouldn't mind but, even though we're talking about defenseless beings that could potentially feel fear and pain quite soon in his/her development; we also have the woman that being is growing within. If I was a woman, and the pregnancy was the product of deception or abuse, I would for sure see that creature inside me as a parasite, an illness, an alien injected by force by another monstrous alien. Unfortunately, that horrendous scenario serves as the flagship to opportunist feminists to even propose abortion at any state of the pregnancy, disregarding the pain and suffer that would inflict into the baby after a few weeks of development.
"My body, my choice", they love to say, as if those f* idiotic females were not able to make such a choice before conceiving, as if the f* idiotic males didn't have any part in the game unless the abusive females have decided to give birth and then, the male, besides genetical material (important imo), have to provide economically for what the female has decided at her sole petty discretion. If I'd have to choose adjectives to describe modern men and women I'd say: "extremely stupid" and "extremely opportunistic", respectively.
To top it off, we have these conservatives, well-dressed, well-versed, outraged because feminists don't give a damn about the poor creature that is shattered before being able to see sunlight; outraged too about government's student debt relief plans to assist the ones who fortunately were able to see sunlight. Because conservatives are not empathetic beings of light, they just want the faucet that brings more generations of poor people not to be closed so they can have their manpower, soldiers and consumers they need not to have to move their lazy asses to do the things that have to be done by somebody.
That's what our blazing law-makers' raw material to take their decisions, opportunistic bigots on one end, and opportunistic promiscuous bigots on the other one. That is how our law makers are taking decisions nowadays, their YES or NO comes from those two scandalous groups. Feminists don't want to feel guilty, if another woman or man does not approve abortion, it will make them feel as bad people. So they blackmail the society not just to approve it legally, but also socially. And in their infinite hypocrisy, reciprocal to the one of the well-dressed well-versed but-not-very-coherent conservative, feminists celebrate motherhood as the most important thing in our lives, "because women's wombs bring the needed police officers that will put other men into jail in the future", or something like that. So, when it's in their convenience, the baby is a blessing; when it's not, the baby is not a baby, it's a fetus, a non-human-yet creature that can be disposed, despite not being forcefully injected; when it's in their interest, they take pictures of the ultrasound of that non-human-yet and don't dare to make jokes about it, because the little thing can already hear, the proud mother even plays music to kick-start the baby on the right foot and in the right harmonic environment, because she wants... how pedantic and twisted we are.
Then, if you all immature adults desperately need less arguments and immediate laws, for yourselves or for your precocious uncontrollable kids because it's certain they'll mess up, I'd suggest then there should be severe penalties for abortion, to disincentivize it.
In case of rape: A death penalty for the kid should mean a death penalty for the rapist. Here, progressives and "irresistible machos" are going to cry out because they haven't seen the baby, their small brains can't even imagine her/him, and they have seen the rapist, it's their father, their uncle, their beloved priest or their son. Hence, by all means they will minimize the life of the voiceless, whom does not have the voice even of her/his mother and father to defend her/him, to at least claim some justice in the middle of the injustice.
The problem here is the false accusation of rape, which will turn the case into a bloodshed because now the mother would have to be killed too, because she tried or achieved an innocent male to get killed.
I'd say the least we can do is to sterilize both, the father and the mother, perhaps the mother only at her second abortion, if you all need a more feminist solution. That might not prevent undesired pregnancies, but will 100% prevent the same idiots to provoke an exponential suffering in the darkness. Just because you didn't see the tree falling in the forest, it does not mean the tree didn't fall at all and that it was a catastrophe. It's easier to take decisions when it's the life of someone else at stake. When it's our potential suffering, we're cautious; when it's somebody else's, we're even cynical. We shouldn't be allowed to legislate in the name of others, but there is not any smarter species, so it's as good as it gets; let's at least demand some effort and commit to ourselves.
Lennarth Anaya