
It is kind of cute we follow trending behaviors based on buzz words popularized by smart people that try to help us change our mindset and we have a bare idea of what they are asking us to do.

Some people think of Innovation as the capability of implementing innovations locally, so an innovative entrepreneur is the one who exports innovation from other countries.

Governments, persisting in that cute "innovative mindset" try to promote innovation as a strategy of progress.
So schools are now intended to encourage innovation (because it turned out industrial labor will no longer be necessary soon), so now students are literally forced to innovate, following the marketing absurdity of creating necessities and then providing the "innovative" solution; solution that is usually a silly invention made with the solely purpose of getting a positive grade. Smart young students, most of the times without a real motivation, led by someone who, if were capable of innovation, would not even be there asking for forceful innovative ideas in the class room.

Local businesses receive loans for innovative ideas, so local residents, forced to undertake or starve, pick any idea up and implement a slightly change and there you are... Innovation. People trying to fulfill their economical urgencies cannot have time to think of any one else's necessities.

Ambitious crazy ideas are discarded if they are too risky and there could possibly be too little market. Now that we know Innovation means risk and madness, then many "smart people" pretend any idea is innovative just because it is crazy and risky.

In my opinion, the most beautiful and elegant Innovation cannot be motivated by a desire of status, not even by our economical necessities or ambitions; but from real needs, from dreams, from our heart rather than our brain.

Lennarth Anaya
