If when saying "what riches do that people don't" I'm expecting "smart things they do, that fools don't", so I highly I disagree with factor number 11. Getting sick is not smarter, not even getting sick is smarter. Being sick is NOT normal, it's not natural. Illness is, in general, in my opinion, an excuse to do, eat and drink things we know are unhealthy.
This video is allegedly talking about smart rich people, not about fool rich people who got rich by accident or inheritance... I know I'm poor, I'm not idiot, I don't need to be rich to understand and agree with the
overall video, even the behaviors that suit to my current behavior and
prevent me to be rich. There could be intelligence in not being rich if it's a decision, but there's also intelligence in being rich to have the power of doing good cool things for the life in this planet, but cynicism is not intelligence, so arguing that being obscenely rich to one day have enough obscene power to do a minimum.
Good people are good no matter their wallets to be empty or full. People would do nothing to improve this world if they are waiting until they are rich to move a finger for fixing something that do not directly impact them. And even being rich does not guarantee anything, since our money 's value decreases on time so there would be never enough money on our bank accounts to be the right moment to fix an unfairness.
On the other hand, being always in debt and still try to help is frankly suicide, it is not smart at all.
By thinking in terms of percentages, a couple of hours a month and a couple of bucks depending on our income, that wouldn't impact our productivity negatively but that would sum to others efforts might be significant for a challenging cause, especially when there are already people with the passion, the skills and the possibility to dedicate their lives, full time, to the cause, our cause; meanwhile we are working on other stuff we are better on.
We have inherited a vicious system which is abusing vulnerable beings, like animals, children, handicapped, natives, women. Animals, for instance, cannot strive by themselves, but they are not ambitious and they are loyal. Children have not had the chance to educate themselves; it's not their fault the
decisions made by their parents; they rely on us, wise adults, to lead them through the right path and motivate
them to be great. They are empty but smart computers eager to do and be
part. And we could think of unfairness of war and corruption, pollution, innovation, dreams.
To be frank, I do not feel as if being rich to be extremely hard, but to be smart.
Lennarth Anaya