The Patriots

Donald Trump, president of the United States of America, did not apologize, nor offered action plans to avoid suspicious murders of unarmed people presumably based on the color of their skin. Instead he suggested this week some NFL's (National Football League) players who do not bow the US flag should be fired. In addition to that, he named them "sons of a bitch".

The astonishing thing is that many people seem to start recognizing symbols cannot be more important than people, than lives. Indoctrinated people could hardly understand that the image on the left, was obviously led by a situation like the one depicted in image below...

Patriotism, that tool that works just like Jedi mental powers, over the weak, just as religions and other doctrines. It is dressed up in a very elegant shape that invites people to be proud of being a good example of, without questioning how right that is.

Does anybody really believe an individual would not defend his family just because it has not been designed a flag for their members yet?, or that there is any need for the members of that family to daily offer reverence to family's coat of arms to be committed with it? There have always been cowards that do not care about anything; nationalist propaganda has had the power to incite the youth to risk their lives in wars, many times in the past, to defend their countries, most of the times to unfairly defend an elite. Some of those heroes do not feel anything when an innocent is being oppressed... unless their colonel gets upset. There are many armies in the world, there are many examples of how humans become tools under the command of others.

Besides asking adults to act, without any moral question, in favor of the man in charge of the army who represents those flags, anthems and other symbols, it has been cruel to offend children's intelligence with repetitive chorus, standing for a long period of time, periodically, to abusively ask them to swear allegiance in a vulnerable age they cannot defend themselves neither physically nor psychologically; nor can they negotiate anything in return, especially in underdeveloped countries.

Challenging that brutal mindset has been a taboo even stronger than challenging Religion, due to the intrinsic warlike nature of the ones who own it: "May the flag be most important than the lives of the ones who do not worship it".

I pity patriots the same way I pity devoted religious, I hope their great grand children to have a better chance of thinking by themselves with fairness. The good thing is things might be changing, countries like Mexico are prohibiting that child abuse, maybe one day our flag will be Justice.

Lennarth Anaya
