USA and Mexico's border

I'm a Mexican living in Mexico.

I don't feel like being in a place where they don't like me, that's why sometimes I think I could go to other country or planet... nonetheless, I have the same right to be here than anyone doesn't like me.

I encourage my mexican fellows to be the best they can, not only in the other side of the imaginary political border we created, but also on this side, and everywhere they are. I encourage the same to my north american fellows and the asian ones, and the african ones. I encourage them to think more and hate less.

There are also other species, not only humans. Not overpopulating this world will not only solve our human disagreements, but also reserve some room to other species. It would be great our manpower to be very welcome in a non-over populated country (the one we were born in or a neighbor one), than to be "humanely welcomed by ones" and to be always managing crowds that barely have thoughts but usually have (lots of) wishes.

I'm a Maxican living in Mexico, legally, just f'ing imagine the day we think someone's not living legally on this planet.

Lennarth Anaya
