

Zero-sum: "A situation in which a gain by one person or side must be matched by a loss by another person or side." -

According to some deeply upset feminists and simps, females become more satisfied and happier as they age and get divorced; whereas males experience depression and sadness.  They do it so publicly and with such a nerve, they sould be ashamed. Next quote was extracted from the movie Last Dance (HBO): 

"like many 40-year old Millenial white males, Mike Lane found himself alone and adrift in an ocean of failed relationships and unrealized dreams". 

But when the opposite side of lone old females is treated, despite coming from "an ocean of failed relationships" too, because males were relating to females, not to inert dolls; they're forcefully portrayed as happier and successful:

On the other hand, sad conservative males rejected by angry feminists due to possibly priggish reasons, or maybe legitimate ones (such males might simply be downright unworthy*), claim exactly the opposite and also attempt to make fun of the hypothetical situation. * Please note  an unworthy person might feel worthier than another unowrthy person just by psychological forces.

As an example, next thumbnail was taken from YouTube channel, who sells cringy content disgised as constructive orientation for young men:

The truth is both sides are resentful due to the incapability of getting over their past, it hurts and they deeply wish the counterpart is doing just as terribly bad as they're doing.

Leftists want to steal any opportunity for people to be different, innovative, to risk trying different things and have proper rewards for such a risk. Yet, they exist thanks to the voracious unsustainable mindset of the Rightists, who would dehumanize every single other human at the first opportunity to exploit them like mere tools, as they already do with all other animals. In turn, such Leftist extremism incentivates the moderates to look for shelter under the umbrella of the Right, and then to the Left, in an infinite feedback loop.

Whenever somebody talks about animal rights, there's always the illiterate who expresses a dishonest interest for starving children, just to end up recongizing they don't give a damn about them and they don't want to move a finger or penny to truly help such children. Or even worse, an even more dishonest interest for plants feelings. Hence, the proposition is just trying to suggest that helping animals in need must mean hurting somebody else in need, so the topic is not addressed and they can keep another infinite loop, this one more sinister: forced reproduction, torture and bloodshed.

The final example that comes to my mind is the #WhiteLivesMatter hash tag, used by weirdos who didn't feel a twinge in their hearts when watching images of innocent people receiving a specially violent treatment just because of the color of their skin. As if stating #BlackLivesMatter would somehow imply that any others' don't.

Zero-sum is a vulgar fallacy that exposes the low intelect of the ones exercising it, the win of anybody else is not our loss.

Lennarth Anaya
