MGTOW is the same garbage as Feminism but on the other side, depressed, cringy, entitled, jelous. Free sane people don't treat others on the basis of prejudices, but on the basis of the behavior of whomever real person they have in front of them at the moment. 

As anything, it is respectable when it's a natural reaction to movements occurring to people in a certain time, but when turned into a dogma with sets of rules that pretend every individual to adhere to a certain mindset and tries to stigmatize, it ceases being useful and becomes pathetic.

Strong men don't need women to miss them or regret anything. Strong men remain kind and do not take revenge on innocents, they ignore the suffering only of nasty selfish individuals that certainly do not deserve any attention. Strong men avoid obsessions, resentments, biases or bigotry; without that being subject for blackmailing by manipulative females.

Lennarth Anaya






