Gun control

I didn't know USA's second amendment was intended not only to protect themselves from local criminals and foreign threats, but also from the possible tyranny of their own government.

I think I have expressed the same fears in this blog before (in Spanish language).

In next video there is a discussion between someone identified by "music South", from Australia; and someone named Brett Madison, from USA.

Unfortunately, their discusion ended with offenses, because we cannot argue with people that disagree with us, we just cannot see things from some one else's point of view, we don't pay attention, we are like rams when resolving conflicts.

Still, there were a couple of comments I'll rescue, I'm respecting their misspellings because it's their right to destroy their own language the same way it is ours to destroy ours, intentionally, and theirs, accidentally:

Brett Madison:
...The right to bare arms here is a right, due to the war with Britain, and for militias for when/ if our government decides to turn on the American people. And to take that right from us that freedom...

music South:
why would the government turn on its own me where in the western world where this has happened in history after the second world war pal..You are talking way back in the 1800s
Bye having weapons shows you are ready and hungry for a fire fight...
as for police access to better fire arms of course I agree but that would be a bit fucken late in a fire fight with well arms citizens against a couple of cops ambushed with pistols...
GUNS...a savage world in the GREAT USA pal....a mmmme I'm and AUSTRALIAN pal we fight with our hands then lift the defeated person up..then have a beer....Not kill each other....I know which world I'd rather live in pal...

Brett Madison:
Also having weapons is not saying we are ready for a fire fight with the law enforcement...
I have fire arms in my home, one cause I collect, two for protection from some asshole who could potentially hurt my family or myself. ...
And FYI not all cops are Noble and want to do the right thing. Most have forgotten the oath they take. To up hold the constitution against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. same as our politicians.
One other thing I can fight with my hands also. A fire arm is the last resort.

music South:
You won't servive if someone breaks into your home either when it's all over and you shoot the burgerler than the police will shoot I've stated before they don't trust you either..
U live in a paranoid society pal.can you here yourself your constitutional amendment is 150 years old man..

Brett Madison:
And didn’t Australians kill and enslave the natives. So tell me if those people fought back do you think it would be the same today.


So I can literally feel both points of views, perhaps thanks to Mexico, where you can see a bizarre combination of extremely peaceful and extremely violent people, living all together in a same society. I perfectly understand my government turning against me, puting the sole of their foot on my face and getting almost all the profits of my work from me, aiming a riffle straight to my head if I disobey. Approximately five years ago, in Michoacán, México, Mexican government, under command of our beautiful leader, Enrique Pena Nieto, was supposedly "incapable of finding" some cartel leaders that were abusing and extorting whole towns, raping their girls, killing whomever denounced them, in collusion apparently with just local authorities. A huge group of citizens decided to protect themselves with what was called "Autodefensas". They armed themselves and proved the bullies were just a lot of cowards protected by a putrid corrupted system and the fear of citizens that were poorly armed in comparison to them that were heavily armed. It turned out the government, in a desperate move, sent it's troops to trap the members of... Autodefensas, when they were about to trap some of the cartel's kingpin. Yes, you read well, Mexican government didn't send the troops to catch the kingpin, but Autodefensas' leaders (the citizens that led the organized self-defense) and put them into jail. The show took some time, several Autodefensas leaders were put into jail, including Dr. Josue Manuel Mireles Valverde, who was released just a few months before our superb ex-president, don Enrique Pena Nieto, left his charge, in 2018.

I perfectly understand the fear of having a neighbor, who does not even know, and does not care to educate himself about, why he is allowed to own a weapon, using it in a conflict with a kid that "is doing too much noise". It actually happen a senior shooting his illegal acquired weapon against a Canadian boy that was playing with his skateboard in the street in front of this senior's house, in a neighborhood in Guadalajara, Mexico. Or the fear of being shot on the head by someone who carries his weapon in the car, if there is a "traffic disagreement", which happens commonly in Mexico, but not that common, because not everyone owns a weapon. Civilians who owned a weapon "with the intention not to use it, or to use it as a 'last resort'".

I perfectly understand the feeling of being a good, sane, unarmed citizen, being an easy victim of whomever has been bullied by the society and his/her own family, jealous of not having the material things he suppose I have, or knowing he has even more things and more luxury than me, knowing he to be untouchable thanks to the corruption he knows will protect him if he kills me out of jealously of who I am or just because of me demanding him respect for all of us, the same way we owe respect to him.

I understand the empowerment drug dealers and police men, whose feelings have been hurt so profoundly, they now need to overcome such a feeling of inferiority by exposing superiority against harmless civilians that just have their fists to defend themselves, hoping they can "be lifted to fight again another day or have a beer with his aggressor", just to realize he lives in a society of cowards that will not even defend him from such repugnant victimizers due to the generalized fear every single 'man' has been induced to feel when witnessing an injustice and abuse in his society.

In Mexico, the super riches are entitled to hire well-armed illiterate body guards, which is exactly the same thing than allowing them themselves to be armed and prohibiting the poor to be armed, which would fit if the poor were always the bad-mannered primate incapable of behaving in society.

I also understand the fear of having civilians well armed, that could easily take over the police, and not for good. It has happened in the great-glamorous Mexico City; civilians threatening police officers who killed criminals who attempted to kill other civilians; or civilians attacking police officers with knives, their fists, their cars or whatever they have handy, fortunately, not a 9mm gun, or a 45.

I don't know how much it reassures me of knowing neighbors collecting weapons "because they are beautiful", individuals who enjoy the sound of the weapon and and it's firepower, especially, people who has served their country by killing people, hopefully, most of them, bad people.

It's true that we would not survive if all of us were disarmed and only a few were armed; or if most of us were equally armed and only a few were disarmed.

Modern Americans' ancestors mercilessly murdered millions of native American, "savages", they used to paradoxically call them, and almost extinguished them. Natives did not have powerful enough weapons to defend themselves, so it would seem as if our civilized species bases its progresses on how heavily armed it is.

I understand USA and his closest, and some not so close, neighbors are totally stuck with an at least one-century-old amendment, in a dichotomy we are just still unable to handle.

Lennarth Anaya
