I'm all for profitable businesses.
My concern with Google, Facebook, Flickr, and a long etc., is that they are kind of dumping competitors by offering their services for free for so long to, in the end, turn their business models into reasonable ones, which should be illegal, because how many people with the same simple ideas cannot compete for not being capable of offering their services without any revenue for so long and support millions of users and at the same time being able to progressively increase the quality without hiring a huge amount of people who is not only working on cool end user experience but also on plenty analysis and storage tools to build not only a robust platform and a robust business.
Do not get me wrong, it is nice what they have done with their capital, and despite most of their solutions are simple ideas, there are way too cool projects that are just brilliant (I am Google Maps fan number 1).
My point goes beyond specific companies, we could strive without the need of dumping if we are that brilliant. Software and, in developed countries, arts and sports, are the only a tivities that grant the same opportunities to the least favored in society to compete, let's build together.
Lennarth Anaya