It is easy to judge people once the majorities agree what's disgusting and unforgivable; once the level of consciousness has evolved enough to understand there are many priceless things and emotions in this life, no matter the production system.
It has always been disgusting to me the way people, men and women, see themselves as a piece of meat subject to be acquired by the best bidder. It has been just a decade ago I still used to hear people cynically swanking publicly it is understandable women selecting men based on their power and money.
It has been widely used people "had to laugh back so they wouldn’t cry", before the powerful, the famous, the influencer, the one who could fire them or destroy their careers. Those same victims have, in most of the cases, replicated that behavior disparaging people "not lucky enough" to reach the top, once they have sacrificed that much, they can only expect geting along with other equally fortunate peopld.
It is on those tides, where the undeserved decission makers and the disadvantaged meet, where the vicious remains unmistakably black, but the virtuous gets splashed and stained, it becomes gray tending to black.
In the Harvey Weinstein's case, if it is understandable the victims themselves have not yielded, but also remained silent, why in the world are they blaming third parties (like Meryl Streep) for not being stronger than those victims to speak out?, Wouldn't they deserve the same consideration to feel the same fear to suffer the consequences of facing the powerful as the victims themselves?
We should not criminalize the victims, neither should we victimize all the implicated. This case has exposed attitudes that have been tolerated by way too many people for too long time. Before pointing out we should think: "what am I doing now, or what am I tolerating now, that could be considered terrible in the future and will embarrass me?", Today is the time to choose, so we don't have to excuse ourselves for our lack of judgement or, worse, our cowardice.
If Oprah Winfrey was under the same circumstance, she might not be responsible to stop what no one else was stopping, but she does not posses the character to lead a nation, not even a smaller group of people.
Lennarth Anaya