Sam Harris on ethical veganism

- Sam Harris


I was raised as a meat eater. During my early years I clearly remember I used to like fruit pudding (Gerber was the brand). My mother, in the best of her intentions and ignorance, forced me to eat meat because "it was healthy". The flavor and consistency was disgusting to me, too tough in my opinion. The flavor of fish was especially disgraceful to my tongue, sardine, tuna, some small fish whose name I can't remember either in spanish.

But the persistence of my parents and my wish to stop being skinny led me to get used, not only get used, I didn't even eat vegetables, and I ate all the fish I fiercely refused at my early years. During all my childhood and till 6 years in the labor market, I used to eat exclusively animal products (I remained skinny all that time, by the way).

One gift I'm greatful I was born with, or maybe I was thought by someone by accident, is that I really love objectivity and especially hard questions, at least when I was young, I don't feel ths impulse with the same intensity, not sure if it is the age, the compromises, or disappointment. So even though I really disliked vegetables, I never based my questions on my personal preferences and position. Convenience is the truth of the fools and I have always wanted to know the truth, just for knowing it, not necessarily to do something in accordance, which could be a second step if I would have the power to, and I'm pretty sure that second step is the one that daunts average minds and they better don't think; which becomes an abjection when they don not recognize it and fight the ones who dared to do something.

Eating animals seemed always wrong, my grand father killed his pig when I was 16 and served him to us as food. But later he was sad because his rooster, his friend, fell into a pit and drown. Tens of other obvious analogies pass through the mind of somebody who dares to question, like the one that Sam Harris suggested on the audio above, and yes, they are obvious the same way basic maths are obvious for an educated adult. The key thing is "to dare to question regardless our convenience". Unlike Sam Harris himself did, whom regret some months later and stated something I interprete like "he was rethinking the ethics to see if it is convenient to him".

Physiological health has been underrated by the possibly necessary (another post coming about elites in the coming days), but unworthy, elites we have had so far. It is equally useless having so many physiologically healthy but psychologically unhealthy humans, than the other way around. Even further, I dare to affirm that it is more important our psychological health. A society made up of only psychopaths would not last more than a society made up of physically sick but sane people (I know, assessing extreme scenarios is another exercise I do love when shaping my opinion).

I strongly encourage, ethics, ethical veganism as the most important part of that movement, which is also harming our planet and physiological health. We cannot settle for not being harmed by other humans just because they are aware of our power to strike them back instead of because they are superior evolves beings that causes as less damage as possible during the short period of space-time our existence last. It is our soul what is at stake.

Lennarth Anaya
