In accordance to my interpretation of people's intelligence, this video confirms Science is just another religion, the Twentieth Century Religion (Ciencia como Religión, parte II). People don't understand, yet believe, they have faith in Science and even worse: they have faith in Scientists.
It's shocking none of the interviewees could grumble the interviewer, whom was asking for instantaneous proves about something he himself recognized takes too much to happen. On the other hand, some people gave examples of birds and the interviewer just replied their changes are too small to be considered evolution, but the difference between human kind and monkeys are too large to be considered linked. The trap is so obvious, I think interviewees were actors, please tell me they were not PhD's, that would also confirm undoubtedly that Education System sucks and it's just a Training System for people to serve the Economic System and maintain the status quo. It's just stupid to question evolution unless you haven't seen any couple of dogs races in your life.
Regarding the producers of this film, those stupid business men are trying to prove the existence of God by attempting to prove there's no way to prove Evolution instantaneously on demand (unfortunately, it will be possible in a near future due to our weak moral). Anyways, although I don't consider myself atheist, precisely because I cannot prove, nor need, there's no God, and I agree with the video that many atheists are atheists for their convenience and are just trying to find excuses for their immoral and primitive behavior; it's hilarious these guys want your faith not on Scientists, but Priests, they not only found God, but also understand his demands and his name, and your money and devotion shouldn't go to the guy/god with the wrong name or you'll lose the heaven. It's hilarous this God, their God, didn't create the other beautiful creatures of this world for their own joy, but for us to eat them and abuse of them, and we are not beasts while doing that, it's hilarious that is not immoral in their absolute morality.
"Oh God, when will my brothers evolve?"
Lennarth Anaya