
Collective-Evolution.com - Overpopulation A Fact Or Myth

I agree… we must question everything, even our own beliefs.
What about other species that also deserve some room?, what about cold areas like Alaska where people cannot go vegan so they are forced to killing whales [*with all their respect] to survive?
I agree with the arguments of this article from Human-to-Human point of view, but even when my behavior is as less destructive as possible, I know I cannot live with lots of wild animals and insects that would hurt me or my human and non-human family; then we’re killing spiders, crocodiles, etc. By increasing the number of inhabitants, we’re displacing other beings; we just think in humans the same way than riches think just in their circles.
And we need shelter, so even with the best-green practices, we’re transforming the land we’re living on.
Reproduction has been a tool for the species to survive, but now we have knowledge and medicine. We should think about population right now and not once it becomes a real problem when the numbers we have now become obsolete and our offspring have a problem that we didn’t address when it wasn't a problem yet.
Having two or three children wouldn’t increase dramatically our number, I’m not saying not to reproduce, but doing it with respect to other species we live with and we shouldn’t eat, and also with respect to the plants we have to eat to live.

With my best regards, Lennarth Anaya, another very free thinker.

* Respect is great, but living is the greatest.
