We think we
deserve oil revenue, the private sector and the public one, the poors and the riches. In a struggle to devastate the world. Not only because of we were born here we deserve money gotten from oil more than as we deserve money from gold extraction, or anything. Neither the Oil industries deserve to extract it wherever it is just because they have the resources to do it. Clean industries (like the advertising one, or the films one, that are not always moraly clean, but at least are ecologically clean) do deserve their revenues, they are not confiscating the world, they are creating things from the nothing.
We deserve nothing, we just deserve to live sustainable.
Lennarth Anaya
Note: The perception of poorness in our minds drove to real scarcity, to real suffering. We changed the rivers and rice fields for highways that don't feed. We stupidly think the solution is to create more employees, infinite growth, no matter Right or Left we don't want anybody to limit us.